Have you tried a CPAP machine or BiPAP machine and discovered that it’s not the right fit for you? Don’t worry – CPAP Supply USA offers a complete selection of CPAP alternatives so that you can select what works best for you. A quiet, less invasive new device for sleep apnea that doesn’t involve a bulky mask or loud machine provides a natural breathing therapy that keeps the airway open to help prevent any discomfort. A great CPAP alternative for mouth breathers is our Philips NightBalance device, which doesn’t require anything to cover your face, mouth, or nose. With this product, a small sensor is placed on your chest that sends quiet, gentle vibrations, prompting you to rotate from sleeping on your back to your side. For a more cost-effective option, you can also purchase over-the-counter CPAP alternatives for improved breathing. Sleep better with CPAP alternatives that fit your lifestyle.